Flawless is the fourth heist movie to reach U.S. screens in the past twelve months, surfacing in the wake of Oceans 13, Mad Money, and The Bank Job. While Flawless follows the rules of the genre, it does so in a kindler, gentler manner. This movi...
Hunt for Red October, TheWhen Paramount Pictures greenlit production for The Hunt for Red October, there was no thought of it becoming the first film in a “Jack Ryan” series. Red October, Tom Clancy’s debut as an author, became an international best-seller but wa...
Miracle on 34th StreetYes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Every year around the Christmas season, it seems impossible to turn on the television without seeing either George Seaton's Miracle on 34th Street or Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life. Like Handel's "Me...