Taryn Harris was the only child of American actress and comedienne, Estelle Harris.
Taryn Harris age
How old is Taryn Harris? Taryn Harris’ age is not known yet. There is very little information about Taryn Harris.
Taryn Harris occupation
What is Taryn Harris’ profession? What does Taryn Harris do? Taryn Harris is a police officer according to close sources.
Taryn Harris father
Who is Taryn Harris’ father? Taryn Harris was born to American actor, Sy Harris.
Estelle Harris cause of death
How did Estelle Harris die? Estelle Harris died of natural causes at her home in Palm Desert, California.
Estelle Harris death
When did Estelle Harris die? Estelle Harris died on Saturday, April 2, 2022.
Estelle Harris net worth at the time of death
How much was Estelle Harris worth at the time of death? How rich was Estelle Harris before her death? Estelle Harris had an estimated net worth of around $3 million at the time of death.